self portrait of the viewer, 56”x18”x11.5”, slab built, earthenware, slips, terra sigillata, underglaze, gold luster glaze, 2016

self portrait of the viewer (detail), gold luster face creates a mirror, viewers can put themselves into the work and play with identity, slab built, earthenware, slips, terra sigillata, underglaze, gold luster glaze, 2016

future shock (detail of steel supports), 27.5”x22”x11”, Slab and coil, black clay, terra sigillata, underglazes, mishima, sgraffito, stamping, slips, enamel paint, spray enamel, acrylic paint, steel, apoxie sculpt, 2017

future shock (alternate detail), 27.5”x22”x11”, Slab and coil, black clay, terra sigillata, underglazes, mishima, sgraffito, stamping, slips, enamel paint, spray enamel, acrylic paint, steel, apoxie sculpt, 2017

first with the heart, then with the head, 29”x17”x15”, slab and coil, earthenware, terra sigillata, underglaze, metallic saturate glaze , 2018

self judgement, 32”x21”x12”, slab and coil, earthenware, underglazes, metallic saturate glazes, graphite, fixative, 2018

handsome jar, 13”x9”x9”, wheel thrown, soda fired to cone 4, earthenware, slip, sgraffito, underglaze, glaze, 2014

favorite bottle, 8”x3.5”x3.5”, wheel thrown, soda fired to cone 4, earthenware, slip, sgraffito, underglaze, glaze, cork, 2014

solid mug, 4.5”x4.5”x3.5”, wheel thrown, soda fired to cone 4, earthenware, slip, sgraffito, underglaze, glaze, 2014

fine teapot, 11”x9”x7”, soda fired to cone 4, earthenware, slip, sgraffito, underglaze, glaze, 2014

go-to bowl, 3.5”x6.75”x6” wheel thrown, soda fired to cone 4, earthenware, slip, sgraffito, underglaze, glaze, 2014

abiquiu arroyo, 93”x73”x1.5”, silk chiffon and cotton muslin hand dyed with found clays from Abiquiu, New Mexico, gold colored thread, gold plated neodymium magnets, 2021

abiquiu arroyo (detail),93”x73”x1.5”, gold thread represents the micaceous clay prevalent in the landscape that would not adhere to the fabric, 2021

lay of the land, dimensions variable, duration: 5:23, looped, digital video, ambient forest audio, 1000 terracotta pinch pots, five digital prints (12”x18”), sawhorse table, 2021

lay of the land (detail), dimensions variable, duration: 5:23, looped, 1000 terracotta pinch pots, viewers are invited to handle the pinch pots. Placing their fingers on my fingerprints connects us through time and distance

am, are, over (#b, bascom), dimensions variable, duration 1:28, looped, installation (video, 1,000 lbs clay, foraged plants, viewer’s shadows), 2021

am, are, over (#b, bascom) detail video, dimensions variable, duration 1:28, looped, installation, video, 1,000 lbs clay, foraged plants, viewer’s shadows, 2021

wind play, duration: .33, looped, video, action dyed cotton muslin, clay, charcoal, lake water 72”x65”, 2021

video documentation on my website:

ablutions, 84”x48”x60”, duration: .49, looped, video projected onto local clay slip, cotton muslin action dyed with local clay, oak leaf, 2021

video documentation on my website:

ablutions (detail) 28”x38”x.25”, duration: .49, looped, video projected onto local clay slip, 2021

video documentation on my website: